About the SIA project
The SIA (Social Inequalities in Ageing)-network is a collaboration between leading ageing researchers in the Nordic countries and will intensely focus on the involvement of junior researchers, social aspects of ageing and inequalities. A prime aim is capacity building of social ageing research within Nordic countries.

A second aim is to strengthen Nordic research collaborations and comparative, multidisciplinary research within the field. We build on a more extensive Nordic research programme which has involved the network’s leading researchers and many PhD students and postdocs (see our works on the old SIA project website HERE.) In addition, we have extensive experience arranging workshops in which junior researchers from all the Nordic countries have interacted with senior researchers and, most importantly, been allowed to communicate, exchange ideas and start collaborations.

We now aim to continue this capacity-building approach in the form of a network. Research fields that will be explored, all with a focus on older persons, are trends in health and mortality inequality, life course influences on living conditions and health, the organization and reforms within health and long-term care and their influences on inequality. We will also encourage comparative studies between the Nordic countries and studies on relatively new topics, such as health and living conditions in the growing population group of older migrants and the consequences of the pandemic on social inequality among older persons.
The network will arrange yearly junior and senior workshops, send newsletters, and have a continuously updated webpage to achieve these goals.

Written by :Naima K Leeoza